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pe er中文是什么意思

用"pe er"造句"pe er"怎么读"pe er" in a sentence


  • 胡椒粉


  • The stam will feature the legendary 1960s pop band ' s album covers , including " with the beatles " , " revolver " , " sgt pe er ' s lonely hearts club band " , " a ey road " and " let it be "
    届时,这支风靡上世纪60年代的流行乐队的几张专辑封面将登上邮票票面,其中包括《披头士》 、 《左轮手枪》 、 《佩珀军士孤寂心灵俱乐部乐队》 、 《阿比大街》和《顺其自然》 。
  • At the same time , young people shou ld be encouraged to communicate with their pe ers and develop their interpersonal skills , which & nbsp ; may help them greatly to reduce dependence & nb sp ; on their parents and are essential in the & nbsp ; maintenance of healthy mental condition
用"pe er"造句  
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